About ERnotes.net

Hello and thanks for visiting ERnotes.net. I created this site in order to help the ER providers on the front line get resources to help document more efficiently and thoroughly which gives us more time to do what we are trained to do…patient care.

My name is Aaron Schaffner. I am a boarded EM physician currently practicing in the same world as you. Throughout residency I had an interest in why the notes we made mattered so much. I started to dive into the actual CPT guidelines and realized it is really two main different reasons. Number one is to accurately reflect what we instinctively do on a patient-to-patient basis. This is to both adequately reflect our thoughts and actions to the next provider seeing that patient(whether it be hospitalist, consultant, next ER visit, etc…) and also to protect us medicolegally. The second, and where we come in, is to act like an invoice for what we did during the patient encounter. We should be appropriately reimbursed for the work we do and if we don’t put it in the chart that will not happen. 

My goal is to make your life easier by making notes that are ready to use in your chart. If I can save you 30 seconds per chart that will add up over hundreds of patients seen. Also, if the notes on this site can help you bill more accurately for the services you perform and are trained to do then I have accomplished my goal. I want to help you be as efficient as possible and at the same time help you put all the information in the chart that the insurance companies and CMS are looking for to code your encounter.

I hope you find this resource to be a valuable tool that you can use on-shift every day.