Arterial Lines

US Guided Radial Arterial Line

Arterial Line Placement(US guided Radial)
Indication: Hemodynamic monitoring, Frequent blood gas draws
Provider: Self
Location: [R/L] Radial artery
A time-out was completed verifying correct patient, procedure, site, positioning, and equipment. Consent was obtained. The patient was placed in a dependent position appropriate for arterial line placement based on the artery to be cannulated. Allen’s test was performed and collateral flow to the hand was confirmed. The wrist was secured in a dorsiflexed and pronated position. The area of the target vessel was surveyed with the ultrasound for verification of patency and appropriate caliber for cannulation. The patient’s  wrist was prepped and draped in sterile fashion. Under real-time ultrasound guidance, the needle was guided into the vessel and the guidewire advanced through the needle. Bright red, pulsatile blood return was noted. The catheter was threaded smoothly over the guide wire and the Leur-lock connector from the monitor was connected. Appropriate waveform was confirmed on the monitor. The catheter was then sutured in place to the skin and a sterile dressing applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications.
Estimated Blood Loss: 5mL
Total Time for Procedure: 10min

Blind Radial Arterial Line

Arterial Line Placement(Blind Radial)
Indication: Hemodynamic monitoring, Frequent blood gas draws
Provider: Self
Location: [R/L] Radial artery
A time-out was completed verifying correct patient, procedure, site, positioning, and equipment. Consent was obtained. The patient was placed in a dependent position appropriate for arterial line placement based on the artery to be cannulated. Allen’s test was performed and collateral flow to the hand was confirmed. The wrist was secured in a dorsiflexed and pronated position. The patient’s wrist was prepped and draped in sterile fashion. Using palpation and landmarks the target artery was identified and the skin was punctured. The needle was guided into the vessel and the guidewire advanced through the needle. Bright red, pulsatile blood return was noted. The catheter was threaded smoothly over the guide wire and the Leur-lock connector from the monitor was connected. Appropriate waveform was confirmed on the monitor. The catheter was then sutured in place to the skin and a sterile dressing applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications.
Estimated Blood Loss: 5mL
Total Time for Procedure: 10min

US Guided Femoral Arterial Line

Arterial Line Placement(US guided Femoral)
Indication: Hemodynamic monitoring, Frequent blood gas draws
Provider: Self
Location: [R/L] Groin
A time-out was completed verifying correct patient, procedure, site, positioning, and equipment. Consent was obtained. The patient was placed in a dependent position appropriate for arterial line placement based on the artery to be cannulated. The area of the target vessel was surveyed with the ultrasound for verification of patency and appropriate caliber for cannulation. The patient’s groin was prepped and draped in sterile fashion. Under real-time ultrasound guidance, the needle was guided into the vessel and the guidewire advanced through the needle. Bright red, pulsatile blood return was noted. The catheter was threaded smoothly over the guide wire and the Leur-lock connector from the monitor was connected. Appropriate waveform was confirmed on the monitor. The catheter was then sutured in place to the skin and a sterile dressing applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications.
Estimated Blood Loss: 5mL
Total Time for Procedure: 10min

Blind Femoral Arterial Line

Arterial Line Placement(Blind Femoral)
Indication: Hemodynamic monitoring, Frequent blood gas draws
Provider: Self
Location: [R/L] Groin
A time-out was completed verifying correct patient, procedure, site, positioning, and equipment. Consent was obtained. The patient was placed in a dependent position appropriate for arterial line placement based on the artery to be cannulated. The patient’s groin was prepped and draped in sterile fashion. Using palpation and landmarks the target artery was identified and the skin was punctured. The needle was advanced under constant aspiration until bright red blood and pulsatile return was noted. The guidewire was easily advanced through the needle. The catheter was threaded smoothly over the guide wire and the Leur-lock connector from the monitor was connected. Appropriate waveform was confirmed on the monitor. The catheter was then sutured in place to the skin and a sterile dressing applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications.
Estimated Blood Loss: 5mL
Total Time for Procedure: 10min

Crash Blind Femoral Arterial Line

Arterial Line placement Placement(Emergent, Non-sterile, Blind Femoral)
Indication: Hemodynamic monitoring, Emergent vascular access
Provider: Self
Location: [R/L] [Wrist/Groin]
Given the patient’s rapidly deteriorating hemodynamic status, a non-sterile arterial line was placed. Emergency consent invoked. Using palpation and landmarks the target artery was identified and the skin was punctured. The needle was advanced under constant aspiration until bright red blood and pulsatile return was noted. The guidewire was easily advanced through the needle. The catheter was threaded smoothly over the guide wire and the Leur-lock connector from the monitor was connected. Appropriate waveform was confirmed on the monitor. The catheter was then sutured in place to the skin and a sterile dressing applied. There were no complications.
Estimated Blood Loss: 5mL
Total Time for Procedure: 2min

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