Cerumen Disimpaction
Cerumen Disimpaction Using Instrumentation(not irrigation)
Date:/Time: []
Indication: Cerumen obstruction
Provider: Self
Laterality: [R/L] Auditory Canal
The patient’s external auditory canal was obscured with impacted cerumen hindering the ability to perform an adequate exam of the complete external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, and middle ear. Given the patient’s chief complaint, complete visualization of the previously mentioned structures is necessary. Once verbal consent was obtained, the patient’s head was laid on a flat surface for support. Under direct visualization, a curette was used to remove cerumen until the external auditory canal and tympanic membrane was visible. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications. The patient’s hearing was grossly intact after the procedure with no reported change in hearing from baseline.
Total Time for Procedure: 10min
- Last updated January 16, 2023
Charting Tips
- This procedure actually bills very well for the amount of work it takes. CPT is 69210 but this only applies for disimpaction using instrumentation, not for irrigation.