Chest Tube
Chest Tube
Time/Date: []
Indication: [Pneumo/Hemothorax]
Locations: [R/L] Chest
A timeout was performed. Emergent consent required due to clinical status and potential for rapid decompensation. The patient’s chest wall was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion, cleansed with betadine. The 5th intercostal space, just anterior to the mid-axillary line was chosen as the appropriate space. The area was anesthetized with 10mL of 1% lidocaine without epinephrine. A 3cm incision was made down to the rib. A Kelley forecep was directed over the rib and was used to bluntly dissect and puncture into the pleural space. Return was [Bloody/Air/Purulent/None]. The wound was probed with my finger, verifying entrance into the pleural space. A []fr chest tube was directed superiorly and advanced to approximately 14cm. The tube was attached to suction and a pleurivac. The chest tube was sutured to the skin using a 0 silk suture. A non-adherant dressing was placed and taped down. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were not complications. Placement confirmed on CXR.
Estimated Blood Loss: 10mL
Total time for procedure: 10 minutes
- Last updated January 16, 2023
Charting Tips
- There are lots of variables that need to be filled in on this one. Hopefully they are self-explanatory. The brackets in the “Return was []” section are meant for an input of “bloody” or “air.”