Dental Blocks

Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block(Mandible)

Inferior alveolar nerve block
Date/Time: []
Indication: Dental pain
Provider: Self
Location: [L/R] Mandibular foramen
A time out was performed. The patient was informed about the risks of local anesthetic and informed on symptoms to look out for.  Using landmarks, a 25-gauge needle was introduced at the mandibular angle.  The needle was introduced at a 45° angle posteriorly and inferiorly until bone was contacted.  The needle was advanced  under constant aspiration. The needle was withdrawn approximately 5mm. [4] mL of 0.5% bupivacaine was deposited in the area.  There were no complications. The patient reported almost immediate resolution of pain.
EBL: <1cc
Total time for procedure: 5 minutes

Supraperiosteal Nerve Block(Maxilla)

Supraperiosteal Dental Nerve Block
Date/Time: []
Indication: Dental pain
Provider: Self
Location: [L/R] superior gumline
A time out was performed. The patient was informed about the risks of local anesthetic and informed on symptoms to look out for.  Using landmarks, a 27-gauge needle was introduced above the root of the affected molar.  The needle was introduced at a 45° angle, angle posteriorly, medially, superiorly.  The needle was advanced approximately 1.5 cm under constant aspiration.  4 mL of 0.5% bupivacaine was deposited in the area.  There were no complications.
EBL: <1cc
Total time for procedure: 5 minutes

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