Digital Block
Digital Block
Date/Time: []
Provider: Self
Indication: Digital injury as described above
Location: []
The appropriate timeout was taken. Verbal consent was obtain and was also emergent given the injury. The base of the affected digit was cleansed with chlorhexidine. 5mL of 1% lidocaine was injected into the medial, lateral, and palmar aspect of the proximal digit. The digit was then noted to have complete anesthesia with capillary refill intact. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications. Estimated blood loss: < 5mL
- Last updated January 17, 2023
Charting Tips
- Digital blocks are considered “bundled” when performed with laceration repairs. Ie they will not generate an extra charge.
- If the block is done solely for pain control it can be billed as a separate procedure.