Extremity Penetrating Trauma

Extremity Penetrating Trauma, Low Risk, No CTA

-[VS notable for tachycardia]
-Isolated penetrating trauma wound to the [R/L Upper/Lower] extremity, without vascular or neurologic compromise to the extremity based on exam. Distal pulses easily palpable and comparable to the contralateral side. No evidence of vascular injury necessitating CTA. Plain films of the affected extremities, tetanus shot to begin treatment. Analgesics and anti-emetics(if necessary). Thorough wound irrigation and revision of margins if necessary.  Frequent neuromuscular checks will be performed.
-If necessary, additional testing, medication, and fluids will be ordered.

Re-exam, DC

Imaging unremarkable. Distal neurovasculature still intact. Patient ambulatory. Wound has been copiously irrigated. Leaving open to heal by secondary intention. No indication for antibiotics. Discussed with patient at length and they feel comfortable to go home. Return precautions extensively discussed. They understand to return immediately for any worsening symptoms or failure to improve.

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