General Discharge Instructions
General Adult Discharge Instructions
Even though you have been discharged from the Emergency Department, there are several things that you should do to ensure that you receive proper care:
1. DO READ your discharge instructions as these contain important information concerning your medical care.
2. If medication has been prescribed for your condition, fill the prescription as soon as possible and follow the directions on the medication.
3. RETURN AT ONCE TO THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT if you have any problems or concerns. These include but are not limited to fever, worsening pain(belly, chest, head, etc…), worsening shortness of breath, uncontrollable bleeding, inability to tolerate food and water, or any condition that makes you question your well-being. Also, if your symptoms do not improve in the next 12-24 hours, return to the ER or seek medical care immediately.
4. Be sure to follow up with your regular physician or specialist as instructed at discharge as this is the best way to ensure that you receive the very best of care. If you do not have a primary care physician, please contact a physician group and make an appointment.
5. Please visit for coupons regarding your prescriptions. It is a free service for you to use and can help reduce the cost of your medication.
We would like to thank you for coming today and our hope is that we served you and your family well during your stay
General Adult Discharge Instructions(Spanish)
Usted ha sido dado de alta del Departamento de Emergencias sin embargo hay algunas cosas que debe hacer para asegurarse de que usted continue recibiendo el cuidado adecuado. Por favor lea las siguientes instrucciones con atención:
1. Si es que le dieron alguna prescripción (medicamento), asegurese de ir a la farmacia de su preferencia, llenar el medicamento y tomarlo conforme a las instrucciones.
2. Leas las instrucciones de alta con mucho cuidado dado que contienen información importante para su salud y cuidado.
3. REGRESE AL DEPARTAMENTO DE EMERGENCIA SI tiene algún tipo de problema o preocupación. Esto incluye pero no esta limitado a fiebre, mucho dolor abdominal, dolor de pecho, mucho dolor de cabeza, falta de aire, sangrado incontrolable, nauseas o vomitos incontrolables, inhabilidad de tolerar alimentos, o cualquier otro tipo de condición que le haga cuestionar su salud.
4. Asegurese de seguir con su medico primario (tambien llamado medico de familia) o con el medico especialista que le indicaron al momento del alta en 3 a 5 dias dado que esta es la mejor manera de asegurar que este recibiendo el mejor cuidado medico.
5. Si es que tiene un telefono inteligente (smartphone) revise la pagina web o aplicación GoodRx antes de pagar por sus prescripciones (medicinas) dado que asi podría encontrar un cupón para que sus medicinas sean menos costosas. El servicio es gratuito.
Le agradecemos su visita el dia de hoy y esperamos que su salud mejore.
- Last updated January 26, 2023
Charting Tips
- Take these discharge instructions and save them under you “favorites” in your EMR or just make a dot phrase with them.
- It is recommended to write a few local clinics’ numbers under bullet #4 to give patients the best opportunity for followup.