Ulnar Nerve Block
Radial nerve block(Single Shot)
Date/Time: []
Provider: Self
Indications: []
Location: [Left/Right] upper extremity
A time out was completed, verifying correct patient, procedure, site, positioning, and equipment. Signed consent in the chart. The patient’s distal lateral upper arm was surveyed with ultrasound to identify appropriate landmarks. Chlorhexidine was applied topically to the skin. Using a 25 gauge needle (aspirating during insertion), 2mL bupivicaine was injected just under the skin as local anesthetic. Using a 22ga needle under ultrasound guidance with constant aspiration while advancing, [5]mL of 0.5% bupivacane was injected just lateral to the radial nerve. Distinct blackening was noted to completely surround the nerve, extending both proximally and distally. Immediately after the procedure, decreased sensation was noted over the dorsal aspect of the radial hand, indicating a successful block. The patient was counseled on signs/symptoms of LAST.
Total Anesthetic Delivered: [7]ml
Time for procedure: [10]min
Difficulty: None, minimal adjustments needed
Estimated blood loss: < 1mL
- Last updated June 8, 2023