ED Bedside Ultrasound – RUSH
Date/Time: []
Indication: Hypotension/Shock
Provider: Self
Using the phased array probe, the RUQ, LUQ, Bladder, Aorta, IVC, heart, and pleura were evaluated in real time. There was no visualized free fluid in the abdomen, no pericardial effusion, and lung sliding was seen bilaterally. The Aorta was of consistent caliber with no evidence intraluminal flap. The IVC was [minimally] collapsible. This was a limited exam in the setting of emergent hypotension and further evaluation of specific intrathoracic and abdominal organs was not performed on this exam.
My interpretation is that this represents a negative study for acute intraperitoneal bleeding, pericardial effusion/injury, AAA, dissection, and pneumothorax. I interpret the volume status, based on the IVC, to be [normal].
Total time for procedure: 2 mins

Charting Tips

  • The brackets in the statement “The IVC was [] collapsible” is meant to be your qualitative assessment. For example, “50%” or “moderately.”