Ultrasound Guided IV
Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Placement
Date/Time: []
Indication: Intravenous Access
Location: [R/L] arm
Provider: Self
I was approached by nursing staff and informed that multiple unsuccessful attempts had been made to establish IV access in the patient. The patients arm was surveyed with the ultrasound for verification of vessel collapsibility, patency, depth and caliber, as well as identification of nearby structures. The target area was prepped with chlorhexidine. A tourniquet was placed proximally on the extremity. Under real-time ultrasound guidance, a 1.88” [18]ga, non-tunneled, catheter was advanced into the target vein. Dark blood was visualized in the flash chamber. The catheter was easily advanced into the vein. The catheter was evacuated of air and flushed with sterile saline. The catheter was secured in place with a tegaderm. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications.
Estimated Blood Loss: 1mL
Total Time for Procedure: 5min
- Last updated January 21, 2023
Charting Tips
- There are some nuances in the CPT manual for determining which type of line an US guided IV falls under. Things like necessitating the skill of a physician and non-tunneled. Some coders won’t care. Some will.
- Again, to bill for the US portion your facility has to have a way to save an image confirming placement